The URANIUM project is made by 6 Work Packages, each corresponding to a specific deliverable.
- WP100 – Management (URM3): devoted to manage all the activities of the project, the interaction with the EU Commission, and to guarantee that all the activities are performed with high quality and in accordance with the timetable.
- WP200 – Scenario Selection and Interdependency Analysis (THEO):
- WP300 – Models Definition (THEO):
- WP400 – Early Warning Models in Physical Security (SEC):
- WP500 – Prototype Development and Validation (URM3):
- WP600 – Dissemination (THEO): the consortium will largely disseminate the results of the project to scientific community.
The expected results of the project are the development of a common framework for the effective protection of Critical Infrastructure at EU level and the development of methods, techniques and instruments for operational or training use in this particular field.