Workshop in Bucharest


On November 4th, 2015, URANIUM Project will hold a coordination meeting in Bucharest.
The meeting will be correlated with an action to disseminate preliminary key results of the project and will take place during the Conference CYBER SECUYRY DAY, event enrolled on the European Cyber Security Month (ECMS) Program of ENISA and organized in Bucharest by the Romanian Banking Institute in cooperation with UTI Group S.A. Company.
The action will take place in the panel with the theme “Energy Cyber Security. Unified Risk Assessment Negotiation via Interoperability Using Multi-sensor data”, and will include a session of presentations and a round table. All results of the debates will be analyzed later, during the meeting of the “Uranium Project” coordination team.

Time & Place of the event

November 4th 2015 from 08:00 to 17:00
Institutul Bancar Român, Strada Negru Vodă, București, Centrul Civic, Sector 3, București, 030771, România Romania.

Target Audience

Employees and management in the banking field, especially in the areas of IT, security, audit, risk management; IT solution providers and security; outsourcing firms and processors; telecom companies; consultants, auditors; academia; top managers looking to expand their knowledge about business threats and ways to mitigate them cyber security specialists wanting to learn about the latest research, technologies and best practice top managers and Security specialists from the financial and energy field
CYBERTTHREATS and CyberSecurity Days powered by UTI Group and Romanian Banking Institute conferences, are an opinion and market maker in management, organizing and IT security solutions for operational management in the financial and banking community. At CYBERTTHREATS and CyberSecurity Days, you will learn about trends and technologies, technical solutions and security services you can use to address the cyber challenges. CYBERTTHREATS and CyberSecurity Days event aims to become the main point of reference for cyber security specialists wanting to hear hear about the latest research, technologies and best practice, as well as the sharing and advancement of knowledge
The conference provides an opportunity to network with cybersecurity professionals, to share ideas and discuss the challenges facing the industry.