Papers & Presentations

Improving Decision Support Systems with Interdependency Modeling , Simulation of CISIApro

Stefano Panzieri, Chiara Foglietta, Cosimo Palazzo, Dario Masucci

Final EUCONCIP Workshop. June, 2016


Improving Decision Support Systems with Interdependency Modeling in the URANIUM project

Stefano Panzieri, Chiara Foglietta, Cosimo Palazzo, Dario Masucci

Tenth Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection. Arlinton. 2016


Economic well-being and our social fabric are tightly linked to lifeline technological systems. They are electric power, gas pipelines, telecommunications, transportation, waste disposal and water supply. During disasters, those systems must, at least, quickly return to an acceptable level of service to allow a fast emergency management in terms of rescue of injured people and preservation of health one. Furthermore, such systems involve physical and electronic networks that are interdependent within and across multiple domains, causing unpredictable consequences during adverse events and restoration process. Therefore, it is mandatory to understand overall risks that disasters pose to lifeline systems to rightly recover from such situations. In this paper, two decision support systems are presented. The first is an emergency console where several damaged infrastructures are analyzed in order to decide the kind of interventions in terms of personnel, carriers and places. The second is an electrical demand/response console deployed in a power control room where a smart grid is dynamically configured by the startup/shutdown of generator sources. The decision support systems are based upon with the output of CISIApro tool, an agent-based simulator for evaluating risk of interdependent systems. This system has been validated within the European URANIUM CIPS project by means of a realistic and quite complex reference scenario made of four interconnected infrastructures in a regional area. System output is visualized through a synoptic web-based view of predicted situations and suggested procedures.

Critical Node Detection based on Attacker Preferences

Luca Faramondi, Gabriele Oliva, Federica Pascucci, Stefano Panzieri and Roberto Setola.

The 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation

Athens, Greece June 21-24, 2016

The identification of Critical Nodes in technological, biological and social networks is a fundamental task
in order to comprehend the behavior of such networks and to implement protection or intervention strategies aimed at
reducing the network vulnerability. In this paper we focus on the perspective of an attacker that aims at disconnecting the network in several connected components, and we provide a formulation of the attacker behavior in terms of an optimization problem with two concurrent objectives: maximizing the damage dealt while minimizing the cost or effort of the attack. Such objectives are mediated according to the subjective preferences of the attacker. Specifically, the attacker identifies a set of nodes to be removed in order to disconnect the network in at least m
connected components; the final objective is from one side to minimize the number of attacked nodes, and from another side to minimize the size of the largest connected component. We complement the paper by providing an heuristic approach to calculate an admissible solution to the problem at hand, based on the line graph of the original network topology and on the spectral clustering methodology

Assessing Cyber Risk Using the CISIApro Simulator

Foglietta, Chiara, Cosimo Palazzo, Riccardo Santini, and Stefano Panzieri. 

In Critical Infrastructure Protection IX, pp. 315-331. Springer International Publishing, 2015. Download


Dependencies and interdependencies between critical infrastructures are difficult to identify and model because their effects appear infrequently with unpredictable consequences. The addition of cyber attacks in this context makes the analysis even more complex. Integrating the consequences of cyber attacks and interdependencies requires detailed knowledge about both concepts at a common level of abstraction. CISIApro is a critical infrastructure simulator that was created to evaluate the consequences of faults and failures in interdependent infrastructures. This chapter demonstrates the use of CISIApro to evaluate the effects of cyber attacks on physical equipment and infrastructure services. A complex environment involving three interconnected infrastructures is considered: a medium voltage power grid managed by a control center over a SCADA network that is interconnected with a general-purpose telecommunications network. The functionality of the simulator is showcased by subjecting the interconnected infrastructures to an ARP spoofing attack and worm infection. The simulation demonstrates the utility of CISIApro in supporting decision making by electric grid operators, in particular, helping choose between alternative fault isolation and system restoration procedures.

A graph-based evidence theory for assessing risk.

Santini, Riccardo, Chiara Foglietta, and Stefano Panzieri.

In Information Fusion (Fusion), 2015 18th International Conference on, pp. 1467-1474. IEEE, 2015. Downoload


The increasing exploitation of the internet leads to new uncertainties, due to interdependencies and links between cyber and physical layers. As an example, the integration between telecommunication and physical processes, that happens when the power grid is managed and controlled, yields to epistemic uncertainty. Managing this uncertainty is possible using specific frameworks, usually coming from fuzzy theory such as Evidence Theory. This approach is attractive due to its flexibility in managing uncertainty by means of simple rule-based systems with data coming from heterogeneous sources. In this paper, Evidence Theory is applied in order to evaluate risk. Therefore, the authors propose a frame of discernment with a specific property among the elements based on a graph representation. This relationship leads to a smaller power set (called Reduced Power Set) that can be used as the classical power set, when the most common combination rules, such as Dempster or Smets, are applied. The paper demonstrates how the use of the Reduced Power Set yields to more efficient algorithms for combining evidences and to application of Evidence Theory for assessing risk.

Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Emergency Management with CISIAPRO Interdependency Modeling

S.Panzieri, C.Palazzo , D.Masucci.

In First Training Workshop Bucharest, November 5th-6th Street Vasile LASCAR, no. 32 District 2, Bucharest.


In the last ten years, the emergency response has been a key point for the welfare of citizens as well as for the economic losses. The widespread technology deployment improves the emergency response but the existing interdependencies among physical and cyber systems generate unpredictable consequences in the reconfiguration procedures. Our solution aims to provide a timely and an efficient tool for decision support that is simple to use also in complex emergency scenarios. This system gathers data from several SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems of Critical Infrastructures (CIs), such as power grid, gas and pipelines, telecommunication network, and transportation. The core of this solution is two cascading modules: the first is CISIApro tool for evaluating risk of interdependent CIs and the second is an expert system for managing civil protection operations. CISIApro tool fuses data and information coming from SCADA systems in order to understand the consequences of negative events, such as faults, natural disasters and cyber-attacks. CISIApro models infrastructures and their interdependencies using an agent-based technique where each agent evaluates its own risk using information coming from its neighborhood. The expert system is based on structured decision support methodologies. It provides a suggestion for managing and optimizing the intervention procedures of civil protection. The output of this process is a cockpit, i.e., a synoptic view of predicted situations and a suggestion for emergency procedures. This approach is experimented and under test on a realistic and quite complex case study of a smart area. The efficiency of emergency procedures is shown to be improved in terms of cost and time by means of a semi-automatic process where decision makers are needed.

Emergency management with Interdependency Modeling in the Uranium Project

S.Panzieri, C.Palazzo , D.Masucci.

In The International Emergency Management Society 2015 Annual Conference, 30th September – 2nd October 2015, Rome, Italy.


In the last ten years, the emergency response has been a key point for the welfare of citizens as well as for the economic losses. The widespread technology deployment improves the emergency response but the existing interdependencies among physical and cyber systems generate unpredictable consequences in the reconfiguration procedures. The European project URANIUM aims to provide a timely and an efficient tool for decision support that is simple to use also in complex emergency scenarios. This system gathers data from several SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems of Critical Infrastructures (CIs), such as power grid, gas and pipelines, telecommunication network, and transportation. The core of URANIUM project is two cascading modules: the first is CISIApro tool for evaluating risk of interdependent CIs and the second is an expert system for managing civil protection operations. CISIApro tool fuses data and information coming from SCADA systems in order to understand the consequences of negative events, such as faults, natural disasters and cyber-attacks. CISIApro models infrastructures and their interdependencies using an agent-based technique where each agent evaluates its own risk using information coming from its neighborhood. The expert system is based on structured decision support methodologies. It provides a suggestion for managing and optimizing the intervention procedures of civil protection. The output of this process is a cockpit, i.e., a synoptic view of predicted situations and a suggestion for emergency procedures. This approach is experimented and under test on a realistic and quite complex case study of a smart area. The efficiency of emergency procedures is shown to be improved in terms of cost and time by means of a semi-automatic process where decision makers are needed.

Managing decisions for Smart Grid using Interdependency Modeling

Imbrogno Simone, Chiara Foglietta, and Stefano Panzieri.

In IEEE CogSima 2016.

Critical infrastructures are vital complex systems for our lives. Electrical grids, gas pipelines, telecommunication networks and transportation roads are example of those critical infrastructures. Furthermore, critical infrastructures are tightly interconnected one to another, and their interdependencies are more evident during adverse events, such as faults, natural disasters or cyber attacks. Making decisions is a hard work of operators. This paper wants to suggest a complete procedure for helping critical infrastructure operators in managing assets during adverse events. CISIApro simulator is an agent-based simulator able to evaluate the risk associated with the consequences of adverse events. The ability of an agent to produce resources is summarized into the concept of operative level. The output of CISIApro, i.e., the operative level of the agents, is used as input of the unit commitment algorithm. The unit commitment algorithm is an example of decision making algorithm. In this paper, the unit commitment considers also network topology and a risk-based objective function.  This process is validated by means of a reference scenario made of four interconnected infrastructures, within a regional area. Some results are presented in order to understand how unit commitment can suggest different solutions based on different risk assessment.